Creating a High-Converting eCommerce “Thank You” Page

Creating a High-Converting eCommerce “Thank You” Page

Admit it: The “Thank You” page is often considered as an afterthought during an e-commerce web design.

What you do not know is that this can be essential in providing great user experience to your online customers. After all, this is something that they will see after completing a purchase on your online store.

In one way or another, it informs your customers that they have reached the end of the e-commerce process. This is also a great opportunity for you to retain them by asking them to subscribe to your newsletter.

But more importantly, a Thank You page is a great opportunity to address your customers’ concerns, such as when they should expect their products to be delivered.

That said, we have listed down six ways on how you can create a high-converting Thank You page for your e-commerce business:

1. Confirm a Transaction

Of course, the first thing that your Thank You page should do is confirm whether a transaction is successful.

But other than saying that you were able to receive your customer’s order, it would be ideal if you can do these three things:

  1. Inform your customers when the items are expected to arrive.
  2. Send them to a page where they can track their order’s status.
  3. Post your customer service’s contact details for more information or queries.

Doing so will not just let them know that they were able to complete their purchase. It would also ease their qualms about whether you are processing their orders.

However, this part of the e-commerce fulfillment process should not end with just a Thank You page. It is advisable that you regularly send an email or SMS notification update regarding the status of their order.

2. Add Social Buttons

One of the best ways to promote your business is to let customers brag about their purchased products. And for them to do so, you should make it easy for them to share their latest product finds on social media.

This explains why adding social sharing buttons on your Thank You page makes sense. Because what happens is that your customers get to promote your business to their family and friends for free.

If you would like to give this tactic a try, what we suggest you do is add a prompt that will compel customers to spread the word about your business and products.

Aside from saying your usual thank you’s and informing your customers that you are processing their orders, it would be helpful to add something as simple as a Click-to-Tweet button. Just make sure to personalize your pre-populated tweet instead of the generic “I bought this-and-that item for $XX.XX at My Store!”

That way, they will be more inclined to tell their network about their recent online shopping spree.

3. Run a Referral Program

Aside from letting your customers share the products they bought on social media, you can also use your Thank You page to run a referral program.

So instead of adding a customizable Click-to-Tweet function, what you can do is post an affiliate link that your customers can share with their social media friends.

That way, you can monitor whether the social media traffic coming into your online store are from one of your customers. And once that referred traffic made a purchase, you would be able to identify who to incentivize.

4. Conduct a Post-purchase Survey

In case you do not know, you can use your Thank You page to gather feedback from your customers.

So other than confirming your customer’s purchase, you can ask them whether they would be open to answering a quick survey. And when say “quick,” we mean that it should take three minutes or less of their time.

That said, be mindful of the questions you want to ask on your survey. Here are some examples:

?    Demographic Information: Age, gender, and location. Do not ask for their name or whole address as that might turn your respondents off.

?    Purchase Behavior: This includes asking the factors they have to consider before making a purchase. You can also ask why they chose to buy your products instead of purchasing from other online retailers.

?    General Feedback: Of course, it would be helpful if you ask your customers how you can improve your e-commerce fulfillment process.

5. Turn Customers into Email Subscribers

Email marketing is one of the best ways to encourage repeat purchases from existing customers. Hence, it would be a great idea if you use your Thank You page as an email subscription page as well. Since you will have the name and other details of your customer it’s best to personalize the emails as much as possible. Online consumers expect a personalized experience.

One way to convert your customers into email subscribers is to add two checkboxes. One if they want to be notified of their order’s status via email. The other one if they want to receive sales, new products, or restock updates.

6. Offer Discount for Next Purchase

Offering a discount coupon is another great way to encourage repeat customers. However, we suggest that you provide the coupon in exchange for something.

It can be as simple as asking them to subscribe to your newsletter first. Better yet, ask them to share a pre-populated social media post to their network before you give them a discount code that they can use on their next purchase.

That way, you get to promote your online business for free, while compelling your one-time customer to come back again.

Sprucing up your Thank You page allows you to compel your online shoppers to take a valuable action ? be it to subscribe to your newsletter, send you a message, or shop for more. The key here is to make the most out of your Thank You page without compromising your e-commerce fulfillment process.