How To Make Your CV And Portfolio Website Work Together

How To Make Your CV And Portfolio Website Work Together

Finding a job nowadays can be a remarkably arduous and protracted ordeal. While technology has facilitated the communication between job hunters and interested businesses, its inexhaustible march forward has also put quite a few new requirements and pressures on applicants.

Writing a good CV has always been the first step of any job search for decades now. However, the fact that HR now uses applicant tracking systems alongside manual review means that writing a CV that can actually get you a job is trickier than ever. This is where professional CV writing services such as Purple CV can be of great help. Using such a service can make sure your application looks professional and appealing, which dramatically improves your chances of landing a job.

Unfortunately, most employers nowadays aren’t satisfied with just receiving a CV, no matter how stylish it looks. The vast majority also require a cover letter tailored to the job ad, as well as access to the applicant’s portfolio before they move forward with the hiring process. To streamline the hiring process and effectively manage applicants, managers often rely on applicant tracking software, which automates the collection and organization of CVs, cover letters, and portfolios.

What is a Professional Portfolio?

Put simply, a portfolio is a sample of your work that gives the viewer an idea of what your personal style and professional qualities are. It is an easy-to-digest presentation of your level of ability and professional achievements to date – and as such, it is an invaluable asset for recruiters.

Naturally, not all work lends itself to being showcased in a portfolio format – not least in the form of a website. Creative jobs and projects that are based on personal expression are the foremost candidates for becoming part of an online portfolio. Still, with a bit of ingenuity, even the most unlikely projects can find their way into your presentation – you just have to find a way to make them look attractive and meaningful.

What Function Does a Professional Portfolio Have?

A portfolio is a great way to share your achievements with people, and let them know what you’re up to. Promoting yours on social media is a great way to network and build up your own brand, which is an absolute necessity for advancing your career nowadays. Showcasing the excellence of your work is a good conversation starter that can attract the attention of your peers and open all sorts of doors for you.

When it comes to employment and job-hunting, a portfolio comes in handy for recruiters who want to evaluate whether or not you’re fit for the positions they’re looking to fill. HR usually examines your portfolio when they’ve had a look at your CV and cover letter and established that you cover all the basic requirements for the job. Recruiters tend to look at portfolios of applicants to discern whether the said job seeker is really up to snuff, and whether or not their creative style will fit the position.

This means that when it comes to job-seeking endeavors, a portfolio can’t serve as a replacement for a striking CV or a personalized cover letter. Rather, it is an addition to them that can create a good impression on recruiters and give the applicant an edge over the competition.

What is the Best Portfolio Format?

Unfortunately, there is no one universal formula for people to follow and create the most effective portfolio possible. Different people want to achieve different objectives with their portfolios – which means that techniques and content that have worked wonders for one portfolio may be entirely counterproductive in another.

Still, one thing is certain – without a doubt, the most effective way to present to a recruiter would be through a dashing portfolio website that combines well with a well-written CV. 

How do You Make a Good Portfolio Website?

The first step toward making your CV-portfolio combo work is to make sure your portfolio website is the best it can possibly be. Here’s how you do just that.

First and foremost, make sure your site is functional. Take care that it’s well maintained and that it doesn’t experience technical issues, as this makes a terrible impression on visitors who want to sample your work.

Your website portfolio benefits immensely from being well-ordered and structured. It’s a good practice to ensure that a user can navigate from any part of the site to any other part with as little effort as possible. Just like your CV, your website portfolio needs to be eminently browsable, easily navigable, and readable at a glance. 

Leaving a good personal impression is also crucial. Create a good “About” page, where you can include some personal information. By sheer necessity, this page will feature a lot of the details you also included in your CV – make sure there are no discrepancies between the two, as recruiters could spot those and find them suspicious. 

Just like with your CV, all the information a person may need about any feature of your portfolio needs to be there, in a succinct and digestible form. Making sure your contact information is up to date is also a top priority if you don’t want to miss any job opportunities.

It is also paramount that the design of your website complements the theme of your work rather than clashes with it. Don’t be afraid to seek advice and professional help if you’re not sure how to achieve that effect.

Naturally, a portfolio website needs to contain samples of your best work. This is always the case, regardless of what industry you work in, or what the specifics of your work are. When you compile a portfolio website, you need to make sure it contains good samples that showcase your performance at your best. Settle for nothing less.

How to Synchronize Your Portfolio and CV?

If you want to make the most of both your portfolio and your CV, the work you showcase on your portfolio website needs to become the focus of your CV writing efforts. You need to do more than referencing your portfolio website in the CVs you write and the cover letters you compose. The work you’ve done on your most important and impressive projects needs to be front and center in your presentations.

To make your CV and portfolio work in tandem, you need to always consider your portfolio, not just the job offer, when composing your CV. There is no doubt that job-hunting benefits from a personalized approach when it comes to the material you send a potential employer. However, you can’t really personalize your portfolio website for each job offer.

Therefore, a different approach is in order. You’ll have to think of ways to emphasize your achievements and showcase them effectively, while still creating a CV and cover letter that’s on point and appealing to recruiters. Make sure you use the correct nomenclature, and always look for ways to showcase your relevant achievements. Just take care not to repeat yourself, as that makes a terrible impression.

Overall, it’s no mean feat to make your portfolio and CV work well together. Still, if you manage to do it you will cultivate an air of professionalism, sophistication, and dedication – which is a sure-fire way to score points with recruiters.