How To Become a Wedding Planner

How To Become a Wedding Planner

Planning a wedding is a HUGE task, and many brides want to hand this task over to someone who is a professional planner in the field, but just exactly what do you need to be a good wedding planner? 

When starting any new career, you should do your research and make sure you’re happy with your decision before you begin. 

It Takes Effort!

A wedding planner’s pay and benefits are not going to justify the time it takes to do the job if you’re not fully committed to building your own brand and reputation as well as plan amazing weddings. 

You should make sure your goal of becoming a wedding planner is worth the time and effort, as this can easily become a very stressful job that can consume your life, leaving you no time for great creative ideas that bring in revenue.

Some people might say that wedding planning isn’t really that difficult or stressful when compared with other careers, however, it is important to remember this is an industry that requires a lot of planning ahead of time. 

This takes meticulous organization and extensive planning skills (such as creating a schedule for the day) which aren’t taught in any school. It also requires creative thinking.

Here is a list of all the things you need to know about being a wedding planner.

Have a Website

If you’re going to be a successful wedding planner, you’re going to need to have a website so that potential customers can find you online. With a website, you can better market yourself, upload examples of your previous weddings, and post reviews and testimonials, which can help encourage further work. Furthermore, the feedback you obtain from your website reviews can help you learn how to improve your planning and promote your work better. 

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Make great connections

In order to be successful in any line of work in the wedding industry, it’s important that you know a lot of different people. 

This can help you keep things under budget, but it can also help you to network with other people, use websites like to find professionals like musicians and entertainers, and learn about new trends and ideas that you might not have ever thought about before.

Be detail-oriented 

It can be overwhelming to plan something so large, and that’s why it’s important to have someone who can keep everything in mind at once and not miss anything. 

While planning a wedding, it’s important that you don’t pick up any details until they have been fully fleshed out because if you do happen to miss anything, chances are you’re going to end up with a lot of problems later on down the road.

Be organized

Planning a wedding is a huge task and one where there are many moving parts at once. 

That’s why it’s crucial that you be organized and stay on top of everything. Not only does this help you make sure everything is done well, but it also helps tremendously with planning, and will leave more time for creativity.

Be flexible

The wedding industry is very flexible. That being said, there will likely be times when things come up that have to be changed or covered over. 

If they do happen, it’s important to be able to fix things easily so that the day goes on as planned and no one gets upset.

Understand your own creativity

Wedding planning is a creative industry, as is every other branch of the entertainment or art world. However, this also means that wedding planners have to be able to take a creative idea and implement it in their own ways. 

This takes time to learn and hone your skills, but it can be done if you’re willing to put in all the time and effort that you can.

Learn about etiquette

Wedding planning isn’t just about what goes on for the hours at the actual ceremony and reception. 

There are many different aspects of wedding planning that require knowledge about wedding etiquette, from what flowers you have at the wedding table to how much money is spent on which aspect of the ceremony.

From the food at the reception to what the final number should be based on the number of guests that are invited, there are many rules and regulations that must be abided by at all times. 

If one single thing goes wrong with a wedding, it can ruin everything else around it. It’s important to be comfortable with them so that you can plan the perfect day for your wedding.

Be open-minded

It’s important to understand that the wedding industry can be a supply and demand business. 

That means that at times, there will be a trend or new idea that comes up, but it won’t necessarily work out. If you’re a planner who is able to stay open-minded about this kind of thing, it’ll allow you to move on with things easily without getting too upset when something doesn’t work out as planned.

Be willing to put in the work necessary

Planning a wedding takes a lot of time. You have to be willing to put in all the time and effort that you can. 

This doesn’t just mean working late nights, it also means not being afraid to roll up your sleeves and do the grunt work. 

Many times a successful wedding planner is one who isn’t afraid of putting in the extra time and effort, no matter how dirty or tiresome it may seem.