How Blogging Can Make You A Successful Photographer

How Blogging Can Make You A Successful Photographer

Among elements paramount for a photographer, is a blogging platform. Without one, the photographer’s portfolio site is perhaps a tad bit incomplete.

Photographers might not always choose to communicate with their photographs. A blog gives that perfect platform for the photographer to express, inform and keep his audiences updated and engrossed. As such,  the blog should be unique and specific, with relevant, capturing content, a blog name that appeals and relates to the character of the photographer or his photographs.

Read More: 10 Best Blog Name Generators

Starting a blog can definitely be rewarding, and not just in the financial sense. To be successful you need a large audience so here’s what you can do:

1. Find Your Niche

Focus your blog on a unique aspect of photography or camera and make sure your subject is one that you’re both passionate about and feel you could write aplenty on. Remember, there are already established websites competing for the same readers and those that are repetitive, run out of vogue soon. Among the recommendations, measure your interest:

  • If there’s already an audience for your topic, and
  • Whether you can come up with different post ideas
  • Once you’ve decided on your blog’s theme, stick to it
  • Consistency is the key to getting the audience you’ve already attracted!!

Read More: 17 Best Blog Sites (2020)

 2. Keep Writing Good Quality Content

A great content makes posts popular and more likely to be shared. No matter how long or short a post is, format it so readers can quickly scan the content by using:

  • subheads
  • bulleted or numbered lists
  • blockquotes or captions
  • line breaks
  • images
  • and other formatting to break up large blocks of text
  • Publish when you have quality content
  • There’s no perfect blogging schedule for everyone, focus on what you enjoy writing about and carve out time to work.  So don’t get disheartened if you don’t see quick results, you can use some best blogging tools to help you focus and being creative.
  • Research about the content you are writing, especially if its about gaming and entertainment news as they are constantly updating.

3. Write Catchy, Head-Turning Headlines

Headline writing is one of the biggest drivers of a post’s popularity and success. Just like easy to remember business names, attention-grabbing headlines can make or break your post.

  • Be useful to the reader
  • Provide him with the sense of urgency
  • Convey the idea that the main benefit is somehow unique and
  • Do it in an ultra specific way

Also Checkout – Blogging Karma – Discover How to Make an Income Blogging

 4. Join in on the Blogging Community

Now that you have a blog, you’re part of the blogging community, and reciprocation plays a large part of that. A few things you can do to connect with other bloggers:

  • Link generously
  • Leave comments and trackbacks on fellow blog post
  • Update your blogroll
  • Try to turn random readers into loyal ones as well
  • Invite others to guest post or even ask readers to contribute to your blog
  • See if you can guest post or contribute to other, larger bloggers
  • Even getting a mention or link back to your post from a popular site can drive a lot of traffic and get your blog noticed, your content read, and more readers.

 5. Learn From Your Existing Audience

Perhaps the most important thing to do is know your audience and make sure your content continues to interest them.

Also, social media can be a really powerful tool for getting more readers so share your links on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.  But make sure you know when is the best time to post on social media.

6. Make Your Blog Google-Friendly

You may have heard the term SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, before. It basically means writing your blog in a way that makes it more likely to show up in search results, and while it seems like an annoying buzzword, it can be a big help. (Google does an algorithm change that affects search engine rankings).

  • Use unique, accurate, and brief page titles
  • Use the “description” meta tag
  • Make sure your site is easy to navigate
  • Use words for your URLs and avoid very long URLs
  • Write good anchor (link) text.
  • Use headings to mark important sections
  • Add an “alt” description to images

7. Write Like Yourself

While you’re crafting your posts, don’t be afraid to let your personality show through so you can really connect to your readers. You may share your personal experience or opinions about photography to connect to your readers, which may be your prospective clients.

Also Read: 10 Tips for Parents for a Great Newborn Photo Shoot

There’s an endless amount to learn about making your blog more successful, but hopefully, the basics above will get you started (ProBlogger, Blogging, CopyBlogger, DailyBlog Tips). So build your blog well with better information for better response. After all, in the end, it’s the audience that matters.


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